Thursday, 22 March 2012

My BeSt FrieNd

Good or bad, how can I tell,
What your presence in my life tells.
You are like a kind heart,
Full of patience, you want me to seek,
I like when you say, have faith,
I like when you smile at my every stupid thought,
You are like a gentle breeze,
I miss it when it's gone,
My heart thumps when I sense your presence,
My body trembles not with shiver,
But with the excited pleasure,
You give me your every moment,
How much silly my needs may be,
All you have for me is your presence, your time,
I thank you for your existence in my life,
No matter how much I may close my walls on you,
But you still be standing behind them,
Waiting for me to open it again at the time of my need,
You are like my own soul,
Who knows me perfectly,
And never tries ot take my fake anger as real,
You are that best freind,
The world can never give me,
Coz such precious gifts are meant to be
            Secrets of Life !!!

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